Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ready to go... almost

My suitcase is packed, my room is empty, I have one final left to take and a ton of friends to say good bye to. I can't believe it is almost time to go; the last few weeks have flown by. Tomorrow will be a happy and sad day as I finish with my last final (what a relief!) and say good bye to everyone for the summer. I have made so many amazing friends. It has been the best semester yet.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

2 weeks

While avoiding studying today I packed up 3 garbage bags (hey, you become resourceful in college) full of my stuff to take home that I am not taking to Costa Rica. It is now in my car and my room is that much neater. Actually, you can't tell the difference because I took everything out of cupboards and drawers, but I feel like it is more neat, despite that.

I just want to go get a suitcase and start packing! It is killing me to have to study when I just want to be having fun with my friends and getting ready to go. Just 2 weeks... I have to keep telling myself that. In the next two weeks I have six tests, a paper to write, a birthday to celebrate, and a three month journey to prepare for! It is going to fly by. Hannah Wilson helped me focus by taking me to Panera to study and have coffee. I love that girl.

Friday, April 15, 2011

I am not ok with winter in April....

This past week the crazy Iowan spring weather has taken me from bike riding in shorts and a tank top to pulling my coat back out of the closet. I will not be sad to leave this dreary, cold, wintry weather.

Cedar Falls weather:
Outside the dorms - where students should  be throwing footballs, having picnics and studying.

Weather in San Jose, Costa Rica (my future home):

 In case your eyes are bad, or you just don't want to acknowledge the fact that not everywhere is forced to experience a 'permawinter,' the high for today is 87.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My trip is just over two weeks away and I am really starting to get excited! I have completed all the paperwork for school and I now know my home stay information! I will be staying with a woman named Virgina and her dog. She has a 50 year-old son and a 40 year-old daughter. Apparently she will be more like my host-grandma than my host-mom, but I am perfectly happy with that! I wrote her a quick note tonight and can't wait to hear back from her. My Spanish is so poor I was nervous to even send her my short note telling her a little bit about myself. I am so anxious to begin to learn the language (and take a break from chemistry!) 17 days and counting...