Sunday, April 17, 2011

2 weeks

While avoiding studying today I packed up 3 garbage bags (hey, you become resourceful in college) full of my stuff to take home that I am not taking to Costa Rica. It is now in my car and my room is that much neater. Actually, you can't tell the difference because I took everything out of cupboards and drawers, but I feel like it is more neat, despite that.

I just want to go get a suitcase and start packing! It is killing me to have to study when I just want to be having fun with my friends and getting ready to go. Just 2 weeks... I have to keep telling myself that. In the next two weeks I have six tests, a paper to write, a birthday to celebrate, and a three month journey to prepare for! It is going to fly by. Hannah Wilson helped me focus by taking me to Panera to study and have coffee. I love that girl.

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